Thursday, June 22, 2006


Hebrew: Hag Ha Shavuot (Feast of Weeks)
Hebrew: Hag Ha Qatzir (Feast of Ingathering, of wheat)
Greek: Pentekoste (The Fiftieth Day)

The Feasts were given from creation:
The Hebrew text says that when Yahweh created the sun, the moon and the stars,
He did it to show when to keep His Holy Feasts (Hebrew Ha Moedim).
Mark that the position of the sun in relation to the stars,
fixes the vernal equinox,
and that the Passover (Corban ha Pesach)
is at the first full moon after vernal equinox.
The length of the months follow the moon.
Thus all the feasts of Yahweh are fixed
by the sun, the moon and the stars.

Pentecost and the omer counting:
Counting of 7 sabbaths
The Week of Unleavened Bread will always contain a sabbath (Saturday).
From this sabbath we count seven sabbaths.
And we keep the Feast of Weeks on the day after the seventh sabbath.
That is always on a Sunday, the Day of Pentecost.
This counting of seven sabbaths is called the omer-counting.

Counting of 7 sabbatical years.

In the same way as the week has seven days,
and the seventh day is the sabbath (Saturday),
so also a week of years has seven years,
and the seventh year is the sabbatical year.
When we count seven sabbatical years,
then the year after the seventh sabbatical year
is the year of Jubilee.
That is the year of freedom and joy,
and it is a foreshadowing of the Kingdom of Yahweh that shall come.
In the same way the day of Pentecost is a foreshadowing of this.

Agricultural significance:
Pentecost is the time for the wheat harvest in Israel.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread is the time for the harvest of barley in Israel.
and Succot (the Feast of Tabernacles) is the time for the fruit harvest in Israel.
Historical significance:
The Law was given on Mt. Sinai
(Ex.19 + 20.)
The Jews remember specially Hag Ha Shavuot
as the day the ten commandments were given on Mt. Sinai.
Firstfruits of the Samaritans
(John 4:35-42)
Yahshua said: Do you not say:
“There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest”?
(the Feast of Tabernacles),
Behold, I ay unto you:
“Lift up your eyes and look on the fields;
for they are white already to harvest!”
Evidently this was the harvest of wheat.
And on that day the Samaritan woman
brought many of the Samaritans to the faith in Yahshua.
The Samaritans call themselves Ha Shamarim al ha Emet
That means the Guardians of the Truth.
The Spirit on the day of Pentecost
(Acts. 1:2 + 2:1-47).
This day about 3000 were added unto them.
This was not the birthday of the congregation,
since one can not add something to a thing that does not exist.
Neither was it the final fulfilment of the prophecy of Joel.
The final fulfilment will be when the Kingdom Yahweh comes to earth.
But it was one of the most significant events that ever happened.
And it gave, to all that receive, the power of Yahweh.
Pentecostal revival in our time.
The Pentecostal revival in our time
also is a fulfilment of Joel`s promise of the Spirit.
Prophetical significance:The Kingdom of Yahweh comes.
“And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh!”
(Joel 2:22-32)
Mark that this will happen when Israel is gathered,
when the attempt of the nations to exterminate Israel is put down,
when the Kingdom of Yahweh has come to earth.
Then shall Yahweh pour out His Spirit over
Without exception.
Personal significance:
Receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit
and live in your personal experience with Yahweh.John 20:22
Yahshua said:
"Receive ye the Holy Spirit!"
That is a commandment to every one of us.

Yahshua`s words on the Spirit:
John 14:16-17
Yahshua said that the Father will send the Comforter – the Spirit of Truth.John 14:26
Yahshua said that the Spirit shall teach us all things.John 16:7
Yahshua said that it is expedient (better) for us that Yahshua should leave us,
since, when Yahshua left the Spirit came to us.John 16:12-13
Yahshua said that he had yet many things that he wanted to say to his disciples.
But they were not yet prepared to receive it.
They could not receive it yet.
But the Holy Spirit shall guide us into

Paul`s words on the Spirit:
1.Cor.2:1-16 v.10 + 11:
Paul said that the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of Yahweh.

Paul said that no man may know what is in an other man,
except his own spirit, that lives in that man.
If we are to know Yahweh,
the Holy Spirit must enter into us
and live in us and be part of us.
Then you know Yahweh, as you know your self.
And only through this we enter that relationship with Yahweh
that we are meant to have.

1.Cor. chapters 12 to 14
The gifts of the Spirit + love.
These are important chapters that tell
what the Spirit shall do within each one of us
and within the congregation of Yahweh.
Without this work of the Spirit,
our faith and our concept of the congregation
will be nothing but dry theology and organisation without life.
Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
In these verses Paul shows us what ministries and gifts
must be found within the congregation of Yahweh.
But mark what Yahshua did when he initiated his disciples as apostles:
He washed their feet and said that he had given us an example
so that we shall do like he did.
Yahshua said:
“ He that wants to be great among you must be the servant of all!”
We must guard aganst a “revival” where these five ministries are held to be authoritarian positions like those of dictators or oppressors.
The word that in Greek is called “apostle” is the Hebrew shaliach.
It does not carry with it anything pompous or elevated.
He who carries the staff in a relay race is in Hebrew called a shaliach.
Shaliach means messenger.
We need to study how these ministries shall be found,
and how they shall function in the congregation of Yahweh.