Sunday, April 09, 2006



On Friday (7th of April), as the sabbath began, I had the pleasure and honour of marrying Brother Torstein to Ann Blirup from Denmark.
The wedding took place in the Immanuel congregation in Oslo, with their dancers and music around us. The dancers held a huppah over them. They entered their marriage covenant by sharing the bread and the wine as Yahshua`s body and blood, and Torstein broke the glass under his foot a token of the permanence of the covenant. The congregation simultaneously shared the bread and the wine as Yahweh supper and Kiddush ha Shabbat.

Then followed a joyful dance where everybody joined in, and Torstein and Ann danced under the huppah as only Torstein (and his wife) can.
I was very happy when Ann, during the wedding, read from Ruth`s book where Ruth says “Your people are my people and your Elohim is my Elohim
I did not take any pictures from the wedding ceremony, because I was busy doing the wedding. But others took video and photos, so in due time you will see them.

I was invited to preach on the Name of Yahweh, and in introducing this, Liv who is the leader of the Immanuel congregation, told how she has had a revelation from Yahweh that we should honour and use His Name. The audience were about 25 people including relatives of Torstein and Ann’s friends and her youngest son. They all gave very positive attention, and I believe that the Immanuel people may use the Holy Names consistently from now on.
Soon now is the Passover evening. Torstein, Ann and I shall be there, and the evening will be in cooperation between us and the Immanuel people.
The washing of feet will be made as a dance, where Torstein is Yahshua, and where he washes the feet of two “disciples”.
My part is the preaching, and the Immanuel folks sing and dance, make the meal, serves and arrange everything. A list is being set up now, and we may be anything from say 20 to 40 people.

This year I bake my own unleavened bread. But I have learned a lot since the first time, when Torstein and I came to Covenant College with a suitcase full of unleavened cakes hard as rock. I still remember Torstein’s remark when some complained that they would crush their teeth trying to eat them:
“This is Yahshua`s body. And Yahshua`s body is TOUGH!”

May Yahweh bless your Feast!
And my He bless us all as Yahshua`s body!


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